“In silence and stillness, let them earnestly seek the face of the Lord…”
—Constitutions of the Nuns of the Order of Preachers
We are cloistered, contemplative Dominican nuns in Summit, New Jersey. Our monastery has the special privilege of both perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament joined with the prayer of the rosary. We call this the Adoring Rosary. Through our Lady’s eyes and heart, we contemplate the Word of God who made Himself our Food for Eternal Life.

Preaching through Prayer
The Nuns of the Order of Preachers are to seek, ponder and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ in solitude so that the WORD proceeding from the mouth of God may not return to Him empty, but may accomplish those things for which It was sent (Isaiah 55:10). Living in the heart of the Preaching Family, the nuns live in the WORD of God which the friars, sisters and laity preach.
In the cloister the nuns devote themselves totally to God and perpetuate that singular gift which the blessed Dominic had of bearing sinners, the down-trodden and the afflicted in the inmost sanctuary of his compassion. They incarnate in their lives the cry of Saint Dominic:
“O Lord, what will become of sinners!”
The nuns seek God…
by observing the norms of the purely contemplative life,
by maintaining their withdrawal from the world by enclosure and silence,
by working diligently,
studying the truth eagerly,
searching the Scriptures with ardent heart,
praying intently,
willingly practicing penance,
pursuing communion through their manner of government,
in purity of conscience,
and the joy of sisterly concord,
in freedom of spirit.
—from the Constitutions of the Nuns of the Order of Preachers
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