Today at 3:00 p.m., Fr. Brian Shanley, O.P., will be installed as the 12th president of Providence College, the only U.S. college run by the Dominican Friars. Our community first met Fr. Shanley when he was a student brother in the early 1980s. More recently, Father taught Sr. Mary Catharine and Sr. Judith Miryam all about the wonders of metaphysics during the Nuns' Theological Formation Program. We remember his patience and good humor as he attempted to make metaphysicians out of us student nuns!

The inaugural festivities include a keynote address by Fr. J. Augustine DiNoia, O.P., Undersecretary of the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. His topic will be"The Dominican Charism in Catholic Higher Education: Providence College on the Eve of Its Second Century."

Fr. Shanley is a graduate of Providence College, and like many of our friars, was first attracted to the Order while at PC. Although no vocations to our monastery have emerged from its hallowed halls, we, along with a certain friar at PC, and (we hope!) the Holy Spirit, are working on it!

We wish Fr. Shanley every grace and blessing in his new position, and pray that the Dominican mission of the college of may prosper under his leadership.


Rosary Sunday....


Breaking news! OP Nuns spotted in Antarctica