New Photos Up!

The completed refectory floor awaiting stain and polyurethane!

Today there is a large flatbed in the cloister yard and the men have been busy unloading large sheets of fiberglass for the kitchen walls!

The refectory floor was laid last Thursday and Friday. It was a noisy, HOT process! Noisy because of the hydraulic hammer and hot because, well, because it was hot and humid and even more so in the refectory!

The garden has been enjoying this weather and we were feasted with the first melon from Sr. Denise Marie's melon patch. The tomatoes suffered from the cold, wet June and the hail storm about a month ago but it looks like we'll get some peaches this year! We had several delicious meals of corn from the "Kansas" garden; that is, the garden of corn and sunflowers our Sr. Carri planted. Later, we hope to enjoy Sr. Joseph Maria's brussels sprouts.

Unfortunately, because of the wet May and June the vineyard didn't fare too well mainly because we didn't spray. Hopefully, with some expert help we'll be able to save the vines so this doesn't happen next year. Such is gardening no matter the size of your garden!


"Like Free Women Under Grace"


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