How Does Your Garden Grow?

JERSEY FRESH! If' you're from Jersey you know what these words mean! Here at the monastery it means pick it now, cook it in 10 minutes!

The gardens are loving the very hot and humid weather (as are the weeds!). The novitiate sisters planted 2 gardens, taking over part of Sr. Mary Martin's garden where she has her tomatoes and string beans. The first bunches of broccoli (yum!) are coming in and the zucchini is on the menu almost daily! We picked a few ears of corn last week. As you can see in the photo Sr. Mary Magdalene's sunflower is worthy of her Kansas touch. She also planted 3 papaya plants!

Sr. Joseph Maria has planed peppers, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, eggplant, cabbage and beets.

The "Lower Garden" is filled with tomatoes, more corn, beans, basil, and summer squash which we've begun harvesting also.

And then there is Sr. Denise Marie's melon patch which has 3 kinds of melons. We can't wait!

Sr. Mary Catharine's vineyard got hit with black rot but that is under control although the grape harvest will be small. The kiwi are growing V-E-R-Y S-L-O-W-L-Y but good things come to those who wait!


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