Third Sunday of Advent

Advent-3 Today is Gaudete Sunday, the third Sunday of Advent! The penitential purple vestments and candles that we have seen for the past two weeks have been swapped for the rose color peculiar to Gaudete (advent) and Laetare (lent) Sundays (though purple is still an option). This color change marks a change of tone in our waiting and watching for Christ. Advent is now more than half-way through and our joy that Christ's coming is at hand overflows.

The term "Gaudete"  comes from the first word of the introit (entrance antiphon) for today's liturgy--

Gaudete in Domino semper: iterum dico, gaudete. Modestia vestra nota sit omnibus hominibus: Dominus enim prope est. Nihil solliciti sitis: sed in omni oratione petitiones vestræ innotescant apud Deum.

Translated the introit reads:

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand. Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer let your petitions be made known to God. (Phil 4:4-6)


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