Celebrating Sr. Mary Agnes’s 70th Jubilee

We recently celebrated the 70th anniversary of profession of Sr. Mary Agnes, OP. While the date of her anniversary was on July 10th, we had a community celebration for her Platinum Jubilee on the 19th, which was also her 92nd birthday. The novices put on a delightful puppet show which told in puppet form the story of Sr. Mary Agnes’s life and vocation. Since Sr. Mary Agnes loves music, a variety of musical performances were also part of the day, including a number of Sister’s favorite songs to sing along to, and several instrumental pieces performed by violin, flute, and piano.

Sr. Mary Agnes is originally from the monastery in Buffalo, NY which later relocated to Heath, OH. She came to us when her community closed less than two years ago, and yet in a short time she has become so much a part of our community that it seems hard to believe sometimes that she hasn’t always been here with us. Her joyful spirit, love for God and the Dominican monastic life, and amazing energy at 92 years young are a constant source of inspiration to all of us. Celebrating a platinum jubilee, 70 years, is a relatively rare occasion since most of us don’t live long enough to reach such a milestone. In our culture which is fearful of commitment, her life-long fidelity to God’s call is a real witness, not only that such fidelity is possible, but that it is fulfilling and freeing, leading to a deep peace and joy founded in God.

Sr. Mary Agnes wrote about her vocational journey and monastic life along with words of wisdom from lessons she has learned along the way in this newsletter you can read here: Sr. Mary Agnes 70th Platinum Jubilee Newsletter


Corpus Christi Procession Drone Video


Platinum Jubilee of Sr. Mary Agnes, OP