Beneath Mary’s Mantle: Bl. Simon Ballachi (1250 - 1319)

St. Dominic once had a dream in which he saw all the saints of the Order safely beneath the mantle of Mary, Protectress of the Order of Preachers. In this blog series, we’ll introduce our beloved Dominican Saints, learn about their lives and work, and come to see how they still inspire and pass on their gifts to today’s faithful.

Born: 1250 in San Arcangelo, Italy

Died: 1319 in Rimini, Italy

Feast Day: November 5

Simon was born in 1250 of a distinguished family in San Arcangelo, in northern Italy. In his youth he was deeply involved in the political struggles of the country and trained to be a soldier. Rather than continue in the world either in marrying and managing worldly affairs or in an ecclesiastical career (two uncles were bishops), at age 27 Simon eschewed all privileges of status and joined the Dominican Convent of Rimini as a lay brother.

Simon’s principal task was the garden. It is rather unlikely that he had ever worked in a garden before he entered religion, but it became one of his teachers for great lessons in the spiritual life. He meditated “so that, while his hands cultivated the herbs and flowers of the earth, his heart might be a paradise of sweet-smelling flowers in the sight of God.” He made all his tasks into prayer and saw God in all he did. He also found time to lend a helping hand to his other brothers and in the intervals between housework he would leave to gather the street children for catechesis.

Simon led a life of severe penance and intense prayer “under the placid exterior of the life of a gardener”. He modeled after St. Dominic in his penitential practices and in his lack of sleep. He was continually tormented by the devil but also received consolation from visits from various saints, including the Blessed Mother. He lost his eyesight at age fifty-seven, “by dint of weeping for his sins”. He lived in a rather helpless condition that lasted about 12 years before he was finally called to his heavenly home on November 3rd, 1319. He was declared blessed in 1817.

Blessed Simon gives us an example of obedience to God’s will and knowing where true wealth lies. He entered the Dominican Order without bringing his rank or prestige. Perhaps he did not become a priest to prevent any possibility of ambition he might have had as a friar. With the example of his life, God shows us that the way to heaven is the path to which He calls the person. Obedience and humility to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit entirely in the type of life he is asking us to walk which might require us to use our gifts or to forget we even had them and learn new ones. Although some saints are asked to use their material or personal talents, Simon left everything to pursue God in the ordinary. Whether we leave behind the world or not, everyone is to seek God’s face in all honest human occupations. God places us where He wants us, so that we might search and find Him there.

Bl. Simon, pray for us!   


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