"Create a clean heart in me O God, and wash me from my sins."
This verse from the Psalms came to mind today when we saw a box that arrived from UPS for Sister Bursar from, of all places, The Columbus Washboard Co.! Yep! There still is a company in the USA that manufactures washboards and much to our surprise not just Dominican Nuns use washboards but also the Amish and even our service men and women! In fact, the CWC is manufacturing and shipping special laundry packages to them!
We're sure you're curious as to why a community like ours uses washboards. Well, you've never worn a white habit! Washboards are great for scrubbing out the cuff and hem stains on habits and the 2 weeks worth of "life" that seems to have a magnetic pull toward scapular fronts. (Some of the Brethren reading this should put in an order for some washboards...it might help!)
Recently, our old Columbus Washboard washboards were falling apart and becoming basically useless. Imagine our surprise to find out that not only does the company still exist but they even have a website! There you can see their selections and the many uses for a washboard...not the least it's a musical instrument! (Caution: not to be used for Mass or Divine Office!)
Sr. Denise Marie has been showing off the new boards (complete with an American flag) in the community room. We're thrilled! :-)