Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic
Holy Rosary Chapter
The Dominican Laity are people of every occupation and interest, sharing a common bond of faith and a desire to manifest Christ’s love in today's world.
The Dominican Laity are persons bringing the Word of God and the message of salvation to the everyday events of modern life.
The Dominican Laity are members of ‘chapters’ that meet for prayer and study, sharing events and issues relevant to the Church in contemporary society.
To request more information about the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic or about our local Chapter Meeting,
please contact the Holy Rosary Chapter President:
Miss Elizabeth Sheila, OP at sheila.karipel@gmail.com
or 908-219-4727.
The website for our chapter is
Visit our Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/HolyRosarySummit