Our blog readers know about our Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Joseph celebrating their 200th anniversary this year. To further commemorate this important milestone, Fr. John Vidmar, O.P., province archivist and professor at Providence College, has recently written an engaging new history of the Province of St. Joseph, FR. FENWICK'S "LITTLE AMERICAN PROVINCE": 200 YEARS OF DOMINICAN FRIARS IN THE UNITED STATES. Our prioress, Sr. Mary Martin, gives it rave reviews, and we plan on reading it in our refectory so everyone can enjoy it. The book is not available in bookstores and can be obtained only be writing to:
Fr. John Vidmar, O.P.
Dominican Archives
Providence College
Providence, RI 02918
Cost per book is $24.50 (which includes $5.00 postage and handling charges). Checks should be made out to "Dominican Archives." Order your copy today!