The Holy Eucharist--Source of Unity

Several months ago, one of our volunteers, Ellie Culver, broached the possiblity of beginning Eucharist Adoration in our local parish of St. Teresa of Avila which is about a 5 minute walk from our monastery. Due to security issues (there have been frequent break in's including a brick thrown through one of the beautiful stained glass windows) and because our monastery which is so close by has Adoration, Msgr. Harahan asked if we would host Eucharistic Adoration for the Parish. Of course we were thrilled to do so and now we have Adoration on Wednesday and Thursdays from 6-9 PM for the laity. As more people sign up the hours and days will be extended. Our Compline is sung at 8:30 PM so this also provides as opportunity for people to experience something of our life of liturgical prayer.

What is so special about this is that we nuns behind the grille continue our Adoring Rosary and so Jesus unites us and our local parish in His Eucharistic Presence. Truly, in this Year of the Eucharist this gift of unity in Jesus is a gift overflowing with many graces and blessings!

If you live in the Summit area and would like to sign up for an hour of adoration please call Ellie Culver at 973-701-2266.

