Dear Sisters and Brothers;,
All roads lead to Cologne, Germany in August 2005 for the World Youth Day.The city of Albert the Great is looking forward to welcoming 800,000 young Christians during the week of 15-21 August. We, a team of Dominican sisters, brothers and laity, promise all members of the Dominican Family and friends from around the world a very warm welcome.

Our two churches will be welcome points. Near the railway station and in the shadow of Cologne cathedral lies our wonderful Romanesque church of St Andreas. Also in the city is our 20th century Heilig Kreuz, (Holy Cross) church. Both will be centres of Dominican hospitality and prayer life for all comers.

We plan among other things
1) a drop-in café as meeting place
2) Divine Office
3) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
4) Confession
5) Singing, dance and the creative arts.

At present we are gathering the support of the Dominican Family. We hope that those who come to Cologne will roll up their sleeves to help.

But we also need the support of those who do not plan to travel. We need your prayers. As well as being the city of St Albert O.P., Cologne is the first city of the Dominican Rosary. The great Rosary Confraternity movement was started by our brother James Sprenger O.P. in Cologne on 8 September 1475. Only when we build on the foundation of the prayer of the Dominican Family will the planning team help to make WYD 2005 a celebration of our Faith.

On behalf of the Planning Team,
Andrea Strickmann OPL
Sr. Barbara Offermann OP
Fr. Bernhard Venzke OP

For the Dominican World Youth Day website click here. If you meet our Domincan Brothers and Sisters, say "Hi" to them for us!




A Cloister 4th