Sr. Mary Catharine is happily surrounded by the
"Nun Runners" (l. to r.) Missy, Nicci, Gala, and Carrie.
Ever heard of a "Nun Run"? It's a type of ultimate Catholic road trip in which a group of vocation-discerning gals travel to different convents and monasteries, and, yes, check them out! We were the last stop on the "Indiana Nun Run 2005" and had the extreme pleasure of hosting "Nun Runners" Missy, Nicci, Gala, and Carrie, for an overnight stay this past Friday. Our novice mistress, Sr. Mary Catharine, shared our life with them as the girls shared their stories. The visit ended with a slide presentation of our monastery. Our aspirants, Greta and Lisa also had the joy of meeting these wonderful young women. Please keep them in your prayers as they seek to follow the Lord's Will in their lives.
Missy Robbins (future Dominican Nun?) shares a moment for posterity with Sr. Mary Catharine, Sr. Judith Miryam, and Greta Enriquez, our aspirant.