We cook, you play--celebrating the "Professed Feast"

"Go away", begs Sr. Denise Marie of the mysterious camera-nun!

From time immemorial the feast of St. Mary Magdalene is celebrated as the "Professed Feast". On this day, the novitiate cooks and provides special treats for the professed sisters who have the day as a free day on which they gather in the community room, chat, play games or maybe even work on a puzzle, listen to music...whatever their collective heart fancies doing! This year, because the 22nd fell on Friday which is a fast day, we celebrated a day early.

This year, Sr. Mary Catharine along with Greta and Lisa, our aspirants, took over the kitchen jobs of the sisters and presented the community with fresh current scones for breakfast, banana cream pudding for desert at dinner and grilled cheese sandwiches, spinach salad, and garden zucchini for supper. There was a snack of popcorn and cheese and crackers in the morning, satisfying our nearly insatiable desire for popcorn.

The aspirants surprised the sisters with nosegays at their place in the refectory. Immediately the great sensus monialium moved the sisters to place them in their veils! Our mysterious camera nun managed to get a few photos of our flower power nuns.

It was a great feast with lots of laughter and conversation but we're all happy for the return of silence and a "normal" day...whatever that is!




GREAT BALL OF FIRE: July 22nd -- Celebrating the Seignadou