The group with teachers Mrs. Kane and Mrs. Rodriguez.
This past Saturday our enclosure gardens were "invaded" by a group of young men from the confirmation class of St. Teresa Parish here in Summit. They were here to perform one of their service projects for the class, namely digging up our ailing 40-year old raspberry bushes, which have barely produced any fruit in the past years. You'll remember that the mostly female contingent of the class polished our chapel pews recently.
Armed with shovels, rakes, and a very dangerous-looking hand hoe, the guys set to work at a record pace. In a few hours, the raspberries were history. Our roving nun photographer was there to capture the action and was much impressed by their generosity and camaradie. During their break, a few of the guys asked her questions about the monastery ("So, what's your day like?"), and Sister did her best to enlighten them. May the Lord reward them for their goodness to us! And, please keep this class of young men and women in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on November 19.
Surveying the "damage."
The hand hoe was a very popular tool!
Break time! The guys warm up and relax with hot
cocoa and donuts.