A Blessed and Happy 90th Birthday to our dear Sister Mary Peter of Jesus Crucified, OP!
Here is Sister Mary Peter with "Ronnie" a baby bunny we tried to save a couple of year ago.
Sister is now "retired" but still very much involved with the community, especially spending many hours each day before the Blessed Sacrament!
For years Sister served the community as Guest Kitchen Cook, candy maker (we used to sell it in our gift shop) and shoemaker. All our shoes and sandles were custom made! In her "spare time" Sister crafted stuffed animals and there is many a friend and benefactor who has been the recipient of her marvelous teddy bears and Snoppy dogs.
We thank God for the gift of Sr. Mary Peter, for her life of prayer, her great sense of humor and her cheerful outlook on life. Thank you, dear Sister, for all you have done for us and the gift of yourself to our community!