To mark the 800th anniversary of the first foundation of Dominican Nuns at Prouilhe, France (1206), we decided to have a special commemorative medal struck for the occasion. Our postulant, Sr. Greta, designed the image on the medal, which shows Our Holy Father St. Dominic accepting the vows of the first nuns, showing the lovely feudal gesture of one of the sisters placing her hands in his. The medal is approximately one inch in diameter and can be purchased through our website.
A dedicated team of sisters has been very busy placing jump rings on the medals (2,500 worth!) and bagging them. The "assembly line" was most active and humming during recreation, as the following photos attest. We finished the medal packaging last night, proving the old adage, "Many hands make light work."
The group hard at work. Sr. Mary Catharine's
"blurriness" can be attributed to the strenuousness
involved in "jump-ringing." (That's Sr. Mary Elizabeth
in the background, shooting a simultaneous photo).
A close-up of Sr. Mary Catharine placing jump rings
on the medals.
Exercising the Dominican charism of conversation,
Sr. Maria Concepcion shares her insights. Sr. Maria
Agnes, recently back from the Philippines, is to the
right of Sister.
Our aspirant, Paula, arrived yesterday,
and very enthusiastically joined in the
medal bagging and talk.
Sr. Greta demonstrates her bagging technique.
Sr. Angela surveys her pile of bagged
medals with no little satisfaction!