A radiant and beaming smile revealing
the happiness within!
Why is this postulant smiling?! Because she was recently voted upon to receive the Holy Habit and begin her novitiate!!! As you can easily imagine, Sr. Greta is counting the weeks, the days, the hours, the minutes, the seconds, and the nano-seconds until the big day of her vesitition on August 2, the feast of Bl. Jane of Aza, mother of St. Dominic (affectionately known by us as "Grandma"!). Sr. Greta's joy is of a very bubbling and effusive nature, so much so that even the mere mention of her vestition will make her giggle! Her excitement and anticipation brings smiles to our faces and memories to our minds.
One of the most momentous decisions which a postulant must make is the choice of a new name (if desired) and a title (and, a feast day), which is approved by the prioress and announced at the clothing ceremony. The sisters are always most solicitous in recommending names to novices-to-be, most of which are accepted with good humor (and, on occasion, some interior cringing).
We cordially invite our blog readers to submit names (with titles and feast days) to assist Sr. Greta is her "new name discernment." There is no limit to the number of submissions. The submission which is closest to Sr. Greta's actual name choice will receive a special prize.
Please keep Sr. Greta in your prayers as she prepares, temporally and spiritually, for this beautiful monastic "rite of passage."