Once a week, the novitiate has its own recreation apart from the Professed community. Sometimes this means a walk outside or more often a game up in the novitiate community room. For some unwritten reason, it seems that we play ping pong and "Life" (1960 version) everytime we have a new aspirant!
Sr. Greta and Sr. Angela amaze us with their ping pong skills!
A rare moment when Deepa and Sr. Greta are actually playing on top of the table and not underneath!
A new veil style? Or are you trying to keep cool, Deepa?
Deepa is the banker since we can't remember what to do with money! However, some of us have no problem piling it up at our place while another of us is always paying bills!
Sr. Greta refreshes our memories as to how we are supposed to do REVENGE! REVENGE????? They really should make a monastery version! "Why do I have to pay $10,000 for a cruise I can't go on and look at my car! I've got a hubby and 5 kids!"