Sr. Mary Grace (l.) and Sr. Mary Martin (r.)
with the Lamb of God.
Monday, September 11, marked not only the the sad anniversary of the terrorist attacks upon our country, it also was a day in which our sorrow was turned to joy with the arrival of the Lamb of God medallion, sculpted in marble by Sr. Mary Grace, O.P., of Corpus Christi Monastery, Bronx, NY. Our last newsletter told the story behind the medallion, which is based upon the keystone of our first monastery at Prouilhe. Sr. Mary Grace was accompanied by Sr. Dori, Sr. Mary Columba, and Sr. Mary Christine.
A closer view of the medallion.
The sisters and the Lamb arrived right before our community Rosary, followed by Midday Prayer. At the start of the Office, we sang a most appropriate hymn from our Summit Choirbook (no. 507), by Issac Watts (1674-1748), based on Revelation 5:11-12:
Come, let us join our cheerful songs
With angels round the throne;
Ten thousand thousand are their tongues
But all their joys are one.
'Worthy the Lamb that died,' they cry,
'To be exalted thus!'
'Worthy the Lamb!' our lips reply,
'For He was slain for us.'
Jesus is worthy to receive
Honor and pow'r divine;
And blessings, more than we can give,
Be Lord, for ever Thine!
The whole creation join in one
To bless the sacred Name
Of Him who sits upon the throne,
And to adore the Lamb!
As we sang, we were reminded that the Lamb Who was slain (Rev 5, 12) has triumphed over sin and death: 'He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain...' (Rev 21, 4)
Sr. Mary Grace carried the Lamb and, with Sr. Mary Martin's assistance, placed it on a pedestal in our choir, where it remained until Compline. The medallion now waits to be mounted upon the front of the altar in our chapel, visible to our visitors (but, alas, not to us!). We have contacted a craftsman for the mounting, and hope that it will be in placed by the first Sunday of Advent, the official beginning of the Dominican Nuns' Jubilee Year.
Sr. Mary Martin (second from right) with the Bronx
sisters: (l. to r.) Sr. Dori, Sr. Mary Columba, Sr. Mary
Grace, and Sr. Mary Christine.
Our Bronx sisters enjoyed supper with us in the community room and then, after a round of photo taking, and a visit to the sanctuary to see the Lamb's new home, they headed back home into the heavy traffic!
In the sanctuary, Sr. Judith Miryam
and Sr. Mary Grace examine the front of
the altar where the Lamb will be placed.
Our choir is behind the wood screen.