Meet our new "Sister"

Sr. Maria enjoys the company of Sr. Maria Francesca, admires all the hard work and details that went into the making of her habit.

Please meet our new Sister, Sr. Maria Francesca of the Holy Rosary who arrived from Brooklyn yesterday!

Much to our surprise, a good friend of ours was busy sewing away and getting Sr. MF ready to come to our monastery in time for our patronal feast of the Most Holy Rosary. She arrived yesterday so the name "Francesca" seemed like an obvious first choice!

Sr. MF's habit and, veil and cappa are perfect down to the details. Little snaps, buttons, rosary and belt. Even cuffs on the tunicelle sleeves and bloomers!

However, one sister quickly pointed out that she lacks one thing! What could that be? Well, a few coffee stains on her scapular! If she stays around Sr. Maria too long she'll get them and then she'll be an authentic Dominican Nun of Summit!

We are so grateful to our dear friend for his loving surprise! The sisters have been checking out the details of Sr. MF's habit all day, whenever they pass through the community room where she has been on display. Eventually, she'll reside in the novitiate much to the Sisters' delight!


Celebrating our Patronal Feast


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