"What is the Novitiate up to?" you ask.
We'd like to know that, too! Seriously, the novitate sisters live in a separate section of the house and are with the community only for Mass, Office, Meals and often Recreation. This "separation" is necessary so that the novitiate sisters can attend to what is the priority of their lives as novices: to grow in union with God and be formed in the Dominican way of following Christ.
Three times a week the Sisters have class in the morning. Tuesday, it's with Sr. Mary Catharine who teaches the Theology of the Spiritual Life. Thursdays, Sr. Mary Martin passes onto them her own knowledge and love of Sacred Scripture. On Fridays, Sr. Judith Miryam teaches the Sacraments.
About every other week or so the Sisters also have private conference time with the novice mistress so they can talk about their progress, difficulties or anything else they might wish to discuss.
On Monday mornings Sr. Angela is busy as "kitchen helper". It's her job to prepare the fruit, lettuce, desert, wash dishes and well, help! Meanwhile, Sr. Mariana is down in the laundry helping Sr. Maria Concepcion.
Every other week is habit washing. Sr. Mariana does the pressing on the big pressers and having long arms makes the job much easier!
Sr. Angela is assigned to getting the orders from our online giftshop packed and out the door. Since Sr. Mary Catharine is the community's official vestiarian the sisters are learning how to sew habits and we've recently also been sewing some for friars who's worn out habits are in much need of replacement.
But every once in awhile Sr. Mary Catharine comes up to the novitiate sisters with that look on her face that means she has something up her sleeve! So, yesterday when she said, "Oh, Sisters, I have a project for you!" they knew it could be anything! They were happy to hear her say, "If I give you the recipe could you please make some loaves of Lemon Nut Bread?"
The bread came out of the oven smelling delicious and looking yummy!We're looking forward to it for Sunday breakfast!