Let the Little Children Come to Me

Our roving photographer stuck her head (and camera) out the sacristy door to get a quick photo. As Sister explains what the monstrance is the children look on in awe and wonder.

Every year as part of their week, the children from Vacation Bible School at our parish of St. Teresa of Avila, come to the monastery and are introduced to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Some years each group comes through the parlour at carefully orchrestrated 20 minute intervals to meet the nuns and ask questions. Other years they spend time in silent adoration and last year they had a Mass and Eucharistic procession going from our monastery to the parish church which is just a stone's throw (but please, don't throw any stones!) from the monastery.

This year each group of children piled into the vestibule, where, under the tutelge of Sr. Colleen, FMA, (??) they learned a few hymns to Jesus. Then, following Sister, they processed into the chapel up to the sanctuary singing. After Sister spoke to them about the Holy Eucharist and Adoration they spent time in silent prayer and singing more hymns. For those of us on the other side of the grille it was delightful to watch them!


By Any Chance?