A Roquet Croquet Fourth
The threat of a morning shower didn't prevent the novitiate sisters from going outside to play a game of croquet while Sr. Judith Miryam was busy on the cloister being enveloped in a cloud of smoke from the grille!
Some may think of croquet as a "gentile" game but that's because they haven't played with us! Our set is old and sturdy enabling any Sister to give those balls a good WACK!
By the time the bell rang at 11AM Sr. Giang came out the winner with everyone else right behind her! Our appetites were certainly honed for the delicious grilled hot dogs and hamburgers!
Tonight: the annual "watch the fireworks over the wall" event! We're still trying to convince Sr. Mary Martin to let us climb up to the upper roof of the monastery for the perfect view!
Sr. Diana hits the ball through the wicket. Hey, Sr. Deepa, save some popcorn for us!