We Welcome a New Postulant!

Sr. Martha and her lovely parents Johanna and Bob Soli and novice mistress, Sr. Mary Catharine.

This morning we had the joy of welcoming Sr. Martha in a simple ceremony as she entered the postulancy.
Sr. Martha made her aspirancy with us in May just a few days after graduating from the University of North Dakota. Sr. Martha's parents are from the Dakota's but travelled around the world while Mr. Soli was in the Air Force.

There will be more pictures later but we want to wait for a sunny day to get a group photo of our FOUR in the novitiate!

Please pray for Sr. Martha's perseverance and for her parents that the Lord will bless them for their sacrifice. We were pleased to have a nice long visit with them in the parlor after the ceremony.


Good News!


A New Friar