Since our monastery is under the patronage of our Lady of the Rosary, the Solemnity of our Lady of the Rosary superseded the Sunday. Not only was it the actual feast of the Rosary but it was the 1st Sunday of October: Rosary Pilgrimage Sunday.

There was a good number of people attending, praying and singing with great enthusiasm. We had the joy of having Rev.Bro. Pius Pietrzyk, OP from the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, DC give the sermon and later we visited with in the parlor in true Dominican style.

Also with us were the Apostolic Sisters from the Community of St. John. Four sisters recently arrived in our Archdiocese to begin the first mission of the Apostolic sisters in all of America! It was a delight to visit together in the parlor in what we hope will be just the first of sisterly sharings. The Community of St. John was founded by Fr. Marie-Dominique Philippe, OP so there is a close bond between our Orders.

The view from inside the Nuns' choir of the Entrance Procession

The local chapter of the Knights of Columbus faithfully come to every Pilgrimage and form and guard of honor for our Lady. Here, they stand at attention during the Consecration to our Lady of the Rosary.

Our chaplain, Fr. Kieran announcing the guest preacher. Father, that must be the lightest surplice ever created! Great for our 84 degree OCTOBER weather!

Bro. Pius preaches earnestly on the Rosary and its place in our life.

Welcome dear Sisters! L-R: Sr. Teresa Marie, Sr. Faustine Marie of Jesus, Sr. Jeanne Marie, Sr. Anne of Jesus.


Hello, Dominican Nuns???


Seeking the Face of the Lord: the FULL version