"Thank God I'm the Prioress!

So sang our novice, Sr. Diana Marie, at our celebration for Sr. Mary Martin's feast day celebration yesterday!

Although Sr. Mary Martin's patronal feast is on November 3rd, feast of St. Martin de Porres, the celebration was held yesterday on the feast of All Dominican Saints and featured songs, and dances by the novitiate, songs, stories and jokes from the Professed and of course, a celebratory meal and treats and snacks.

"Thank God I'm the Prioress!" was sung to the tune "Thank God I'm a Country Boy!" by John Denver. All verses but especially the refrain had us all laughing:

Well I got me an office, a Council that's caring,
And I got that ol' bell for Sunday Night Sharing!
Sure, the job is tough, but with Jesus it ain't wearing,
Thank God I'm the Prioress!
The novitiate sisters performed a short little song from an old Jimmy Stewart musical (yes, Jimmy Stewart WAS in a musical) called "A Fork, A Knife and a Spoon" complete with an original monastic verse by Sr. Martha.

Both Sr. Deepa and Sr. Giang gave us a good laugh by singing "animated" childrens' songs. Sr. Deepa's was in English and Sr. Giang's in Vietnamese and they both were about a frog!

The evening recreation gave us the Electric Slide by the novitiate. (Even the novice mistress couldn't get out of it!) What the sisters lacked in coordination they made for in enthusiasm! After all, they had only practiced it twice! That got everyone in the mood for dancing and Sr. Maria Agnes hit the piano with a number of dance tunes: jazz, tango, swing, and boogie-woogie!

With the 8:30 compline bell the festive day ended and Sr. Mary Martin thanked everyone for such a wonderful feast day giving occasion to sing, "Thank God I'm the Prioress!"


FALL-ing Snow


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