Sr. Lauren's Vocation Story
Thanks to the generosity of the Mater Ecclesiae Fund for Vocations, Sr. Lauren was able to enter our monastery. This Foundation is making it possible for young men and women to follow the call of Christ to "Come follow me," by taking on their education debt. However, the need greatly outnumbers funds available. One of the practices the Church encourages during Lent is almsgiving. Please consider helping the Mater Ecclesiae Fund for Vocations by making a tax-deductable contribution. It's a great practical way to help foster vocations!
Lauren's story is posted on the website.
I clearly remember the second grade. It was my first experience of being taught by a religious sister, an Apostle of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and I quickly decided that I wanted to grow up to be a nun, too! Years later, however, I fell seriously ill with Lyme Disease and fell away form the Catholic Faith as I was shuffled in and out of hospitals. After shopping around in different Protestant denominations, I felt God calling me home to the Catholic Church. MORE