Do Cloistered Nuns Vote?

With this year's Presidential election so crucial some have asked us if we cloistered nuns vote.

Yes! In fact, we take this civil duty very seriously. Free from the bombardment of TV and radio we use trusted resources to make informed decisions. Sometimes recreation will mean a spirited discussion!

We are blessed to be able to vote by absentee ballot and not have to leave the enclosure. We have a county clerk who is very understanding about our way of life and has been known to call up to make sure that everyone who wanted a ballot got one!

Should we ever need to go out to vote we are also blessed to be able to go to the nearest polling station—right across the street!

We urge you to make sure you are registered to vote and if you can't vote because you will be away from home to apply for an absentee ballot.


EXCITING NEWS! Announcing our Capital Campaign!


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