Visiting With the Brethren
We have known Fr. Nicanor for over 10 years since his days as a student brother.
It's been over 3 years since we've had a visit from Fr. Nicanor so when he e-mailed asking if he could come for an overnight visit we were thrilled. We spent evening recreation sharing. Father has degrees in both bioengineering and theology and we were happy to hear of his work at Providence College as he builds the Culture of Life and brings his students closer to Christ.
Fr. Nicanor has a great love and appreciation for the role of his contemplative sisters in the preaching mission of the friars. To come together as brothers and sisters sharing a common mission is a gift of grace from our Lord. On an evening such as this it doesn't take much imagination to recall our father, St. Dominic visiting with his contemplative sisters, mutually encouraging each other in holiness and in the Holy Preaching everyday.