Gaudate! Let us Rejoice in the Lord
This evening we hosted a special Vespers with invited guests to share with them about our Capital Campaign. Because we are "in here" (the nuns' choir) and they are "out there" (the extern chapel) it does present some challenges, the biggest being our inadequate sound system. Hopefully, the beautiful booklets that Sr. Mary Jeremiah designed helped them to pray this beautiful prayer of the Church with us.
Below is a recording of the full Vespers. You will probably have to raise the volume on your computer. It is about 25 minutes in length. We sang the Grassi arrangement of the Magnificat. The adaptation of the Magnificat Antiphon which was sung in English was written by Sr. Maria of the Cross.
Sr. Maria Agnes was hebdomadarian, Srs. Mary Catharine and Denise Marie were the chantresses, Sr. Diana Marie, reader.
We hope you will enjoy this recording and that it will help you as you continue to prepare for the coming of our Savior. Please forgive the mistakes!