Profession Preparations Underway!

While Sr. Diana Marie is deep in the important preparation for her 1st Profession, i.e. a retreat of 10 days, others of us are deep into being Martha's—taking care of the 101 little things for Sister's profession on February 2nd.

Yesterday, Sr. Maria Teresa and Sr. Mary Catharine baked the cake and prepared the delicious chocolate filling. This morning was devoted to DECORATING!

Sr. Mary Catharine has been a bit nervous about it since it has been over 20 years since she last decorated a cake. Much to her amazement (and ours, too, as we were fascinated) last week Sister made the roses that would adorn the cake so that they could set in the freezer in order for her to handle them. The last time she made a rose? "When I was 15 or 16!" Obviously, age has its benefits because Sister admitted that it was easier now than when she was a teenager!

The almost finished cake

Later in the day, the novitiate sisters decorated the lecture hall for the reception following the Mass. Fred, of course, wanted to help! Meanwhile, Sr. Maureen and Sr. Maria Teresa headed out to the airport to pick up Fr. Joseph Alobadi, OP, who will be the main celebrant.

In the evening, we spent a good part of recreation practicing the music for Mass. Sr. Diana Marie wrote a beautiful closing hymn based on the Song of Songs which we hope to share with you later.

"Fred, is this spoon clean?"

We found proof that Fred is a Dominican dog. While we were decorating we heard a strange sound near the bookcases. Sure enough, there was Fred "enjoying" Fr. Hubert Van Zeller's: "We Die Standing Up". Doesn't Fred have such a wonderful guilty look?

Congratulations to our newly professed, Sr. Diana Marie!


A Night of Study with St. Paul