So, what do the sisters in the novitiate do when they aren't making soap?
Afternoons are usually for classes. Currently, the two white-veil novices (fondly referred to as "cotton heads" because they wear cotton veils) are finishing up their class in Consecration and Vows. All the novitiate sisters, except for Sr. Diana Marie will beginning the 2 courses in The Theology of the Liturgy and Sacraments next week. Sr. Mary Martin continues to teach her Scripture class on Thursday mornings. It's a 3 year course so when a postulant enters she just "jumps on" and stays until she's finished usually right before or shortly after First Profession.
The postulants are having a class on Prayer, Lectio Divina and Study. Sr. Maria has an occasional class on music. Occasional simply because there are only so many classes the novitiate can schedule in a week.
When caught up in the soap department it is a welcome change to be working out in the garden. Although the weather this summer meant not-so-good crops, we did get some great corn and melons and wonders of wonders, the peach trees are prolific for the first time in about 5 years! They don't look so good on the outside but are delicious inside.
Which means someone has to get up on a ladder to get to the peaches. Which means CLIMBING trees! Which means we need to use the tractor!