Dominican Nuns Receive Grant From SOAR!

We are so happy to share with you the great news that we have received a $10,000 grant from SOAR! for the renovation of the hallway and the refectory making both handicap accessible for our older sisters.

SOAR--Support Our Aging Religious--was founded in 1986 to help religious communities in need of financial aid to help their elderly sisters. Their grants are aid specific and this is the second time we have been grateful recipients. The first grant made it possible to put air conditioning in the cells of the older sisters and the infirmary and in our community room.

With our Archbishop's express permission, Sr. Mary Martin and Sr. Maureen attended the annual benefit dinner in New York at the Tavern on the Green on Tuesday evening as special guests. While they had a lovely time they were more than happy to be back at the monastery and heeded our admonition to "come home early"!

The next day, which was the Solemnity of our Lady of the Rosary, the Sisters regaled us with stories about every detail of the evening. Those of us who stayed home enjoyed ourselves just as much (if not more) with going over the program and the menu at recreation.

We wish we could share pictures but there was a miscommunication and Sr. Maureen forgot to bring the camera along.

We are so grateful to ALL who made this grant possible by their generosity. We do not forget you before our Lord! May He reward you as only He can!


Novitiate Feast Day!--St. Louis Bertrand


Living the Common Life in the Dominican Tradition