You Won't Find This In the History Books!

Yesterday was another historical day for "Rosary Shrine"! For the first time in our 90 year history we ran a dishwasher in our kitchen!!! Although renovations are still progressing.,(The painters are here this week and WATCH OUT!) some of the appliances are hooked up and so we decided that for Thanksgiving we would bring out our new dishware and use real dishes for Thanksgiving. For months we have been using paper plates and plastic ware.

Sister Photograher was on hand to catch the action (or lack thereof?) and tried to catch it on video without anyone noticing. She looked like the cat that swallowed the canary so everyone caught on rather quickly.

Below is a short clip. We hope it will give you a chuckle. You can't make this stuff up!

As we celebrate our Nation's holiday we especially lift each one of you in prayer in gratitude to God for your goodness in making this project possible. We can't wait to show you more!


November 25, Feast of St. Catherine of Alexandria, Co-Patroness of the Order of Preachers


A New Blessed for the Dominican Family!