Off to the Monastic Theological Studies Meeting!

Saturday, Sr. Mary Amata, Sr. Diana Marie and Sr. Joseph Maria headed to the Monastery of the Infant Jesus in Lufkin, Texas for 2 weeks to attend the Monastic Theological Studies meeting hosted by the Association of the Nuns of the Order of Preachers of the United States.

This program of studies is for the newly professed of our nuns. This year our 3 Sisters will be joined by 8 nuns of the Lufkin Monastery and 1 nun from the Blessed Sacrament Monastery of Farmington Hills, MI.

For the next 2 weeks the Sisters will attend lectures on Philosophy and Theology taught by Fr. Brian Chrzastek, OP of the Dominican House of Studies, Washington, DC and Fr. Brian Kromholtz, OP of the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, Berkeley, CA.

Our Sisters arrived after in Lufkin after a long and eventful trip! While the weather is Texas-style HOT the monastery does have air conditioning, so we don't feel too sorry for them!

We miss our sisters and look forward to reports from them as the meeting progresses! Today Sr. Diana informed us that, "Today we covered the Pre-Socratics, Socrates, and are half-way through Plato! My brain is going to explode by the end of the week. And next week will be even worse...we've gotten the syllibus for the Intro to Theology, and not only is there a ton of reading, but he's even planning on giving QUIZZES daily!! I'm to old for quizzes!!"

Please pray for our Sisters and for the Holy Spirit to fill them with the gifts of WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE and a sense of humor!


Our Holy Trio: Blesseds Diana, Cecilia and Amata


I thank my God every time I remember you!