Rosary Pilgrimage Sunday

As our faithful readers know, we have the custom here of having a "Rosary Pilgrimage" every first Sunday of May and October. The October pilgrimage is special because the first one was held in October, 1921. To this day we wear on our habit rosaries the medal that was struck for that first pilgrimage.

This year, Rev. Bro. Ezra Sullivan, OP from the Dominican House of Studies was our guest preacher. He was accompanied by Bro. Charles Shonk, OP. Bro. Ezra spoke on the theme of Roses using the care and cultivation of a rose bush as an image of our spiritual life and how we can learn from our Lady through the Rosary on how to grow in holiness and union with God.

Unfortunately, there were many fewer people attending compared to the May Pilgrimage. We send fliers and announcements to every parish in the Archdiocese and are looking for ways to encourage more people, especially families and youth to attend.

View from the Nuns' Choir of the Procession. This banner was blessed by Pius XII during the 1950 Marian Year.

The Sisters and pilgrims sing a verse of the "Lourdes hymn" after each decade.

Fr. Kieran blesses the roses in the chapel.

Bro. Ezra preaches with our Lady watching over him. Some of his example were....

TOO FUNNY! He used the example of nasty creatures who ruin rose bushes...such as squirrels. Our chaplain is an avid squirrel lover!

3:30 PM -- Lectio Divina


Foundation Day-October 2, 1919