Message of the Master of the Order for Advent 2010

Rome, 25 November, 2010

Dear sisters, dear brothers,

A great many of you in these last few weeks have shown your solidarity for the sisters and brothers of Iraq, who are struggling, together with their fellow citizens, with the recent resurgence of violence that has once more struck the Christian communities of this country. These displays of fraternity that unite us are a strong and precious support for Iraq’s communities. And through them, we also express our solidarity with the whole population of the country that is oppressed by this violence.
In these days when we are about to begin our celebration of the season of Advent, it is with a renewed vigour that we should affirm once more our hope in the arrival of Him who comes to dwell among us and so bring Peace. Several months ago, at the time of another of these terrible outbreaks of violence, a young survivor declared that nothing, not even the death that had just occurred, should make us renounce love. In the face of violence, he thus witnessed to the only true strength and dignity of man.
To unite us with all those in the world who hold this hope, and in communion with all the oppressed Christian communities today, in particular those of Iraq, I suggest that you make the First Sunday of Advent a time of prayer for peace, in your conventual Churches and your communities. This time could last for the whole of Advent, and give rise to a moment of prayer together with the Dominican Family.

May the Lord of Peace fill the world with his justice and give the grace of peace in abundance!

Your brother,
fr. Bruno Cadoré OP
Master of the Order


Advent Customs--The St. Andrew Novena
