First Movie About St. Dominic at WYD 2011, Madrid!

Baptismal Font of St. Dominic

World Youth Day 2011, Madrid is coming soon! From most reports it seems like, once again, there will be record crowds of young people attending.

WYD has always had a special place in our prayers and if you email us (  the names of the persons in your group that are going we will happily add it to the others on our prayers board. We try to watch at least the Mass with the Holy Father but throughout WYD we are present by our prayers, begging the Holy Spirit to inflame all those attending with zeal and and increase of holiness!

The Dominican Family in Madrid is planning several events: Holy Mass for the Dominican Family, Festivals of Art and Culture, Preaching, Sung Vespers, etc. You can download the OP Events flyer here.

Of special note is that Monasterio Sto. Domingo el Real (c/ Claudio Coelho, 112) will be hosting a gathering of prayer with the theme of renewal of  Baptismal Commitment on August 16-17, Tuesday and Thursday 8 pm. The Nuns there are privileged to have in their possession the font in which St. Dominic was baptized!

We are especially excited that the first ever feature movie on the life of St. Dominic: Dominic:Light of the Church, will be shown on August 16-17 at the Auditorio del colegio Sta. María de Yermo, (c/ Gaztambide, 91) Tuesday and Wednesday 5 pm.!

Yesterday, Fr. Jeffrey Aytona, OP, producer of the movie sent us the following which we happily post to get the word out!

As soon as we get information on distributing DVD's we'll let you know! We're very anxious to see the movie but so far haven't been able to persuade our Filipino Brethren to give us a sneak preview!

Please pray for all those attending WYD 2011, Madrid and especially for the Holy Preaching of the Dominican Family during these days!


Our Sisters in Farmington Hills, MI--CBS Detroit News


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