Summertime Studies: Fr. Paul Murray, OP

We've been having a delightful week of "dessert" with Fr. Paul Murray, OP, our brother who teaches at the Angelicum in Rome and comes with all the charm of his Irish roots! This is Fr. Paul's first visit to our community. We've been treated to wonderfully nourishing homilies and talks on several topics: Dominican Spirituality, The Silence of Mother Teresa (Fr. Paul knew her and has written a book: I Loved Jesus in the Night, Poetry (Fr. Paul is a well-regarded poet and has several published volumes), and last but not least, The Hymns and Prayers of St. Thomas Aquinas. Just recently Fr. Paul published Praying With Confidence: Aquinas on the Lord's Prayer.

Fr. Paul's wonderful book: The New Wine of Dominican Spirituality: A Drink Called Happiness is available from our online gift shoppe as well as The Hail Mary: On The Threshold of Grace.

This has been a wonderful summer of guest chaplains, lecturers and Brothers stopping by to visit!


Getting Ready to Celebrate St. Dominic


August 2--Bl. Juana d'Aza