New Year, New Translation!

A new vestment, too!

Probably you have wondered why we haven't made mention of the new translation of the Roman Missal. Well, from our end there isn't much to say and there is plenty enough commentary out there about it without our need to "weigh in".

Truth be told we are EXCITED! We have been waiting and waiting for many years for this day. Sr. Virginia Mary used to keep proposed draft translations, heavily annotated in her choir stall for reference. Sr. Mary Catharine keeps a typica of the breviary in her choir stall and is notorious for penciling in her own rough translations of the closing prayer of the Office which is the same as the Collect of the Mass.

In a way we've had a head start on the transition of the Ordinary of the Mass because Sr. Maria of the Cross had written several Masses during the short-lived time of the 1965 translation. And we never stopped using them! We also use the Latin Kyriale. So, for us, the transition hasn't been too bad.

Earlier last year (or was it the year before?) we spent weeks going over the translation of the Proper of the Mass with Fr. Peter Stravinskas. Father highlighted key theological terms and why they need to be translated precisely.

The use of the New Translation will be a small historical "first" for Dominican communities. Why? Because we will be praying the Confiteor using the triple "through my fault". In the Dominican rite, this is said only once in a rather short version. We continue to use this Confiteor at Compline.

Today at Mass we marveled at the beauty of the Eucharistic Prayer. Fr. Gregory did a wonderful job and in fact, we messed up twice! The sacristan said to Father after Mass, "You did better than we did, Father." He responded, "I know!"

As we begin this new liturgical year we unite with the Church in praying that all of us may, "resolve to run forth to meet Christ with righteous deeds at his coming!" May this holy season by for you not a time to "run to the mall" but a time to run toward Christ with joy! "Draw me after you, let us make haste. The king has brought me into his chambers. We will exult and rejoice in you; we will extol your love more than wine; rightly do they love you." (SS 1.4)


Hail and Blessed Be the Hour: The St. Andrew Novena


St Catherine of Alexandria, Protectoress of the Order of Preachers