Soap Department "Elves"

It's a busy time for the sisters in the soap department and it's "all hands on deck" to keep up with the many orders coming in via the internet, phone and from our little gift shop here at the monastery. Thank you for your support!

Not everyone managed to stand still long enough to get a photo. Behind the scenes is Sr. Joseph Maria who fills all the orders. Sr. Mary Magdalene? Well, she's busy right now with more important things—on retreat preparing for her First Profession on December 8th.

Sr. Mary Magdalene Sr.Mary Cecilia (!) carefully pours a patch of Sugar Plum Soap. Lavender is a favorite for everyone!

Sr. Mary Catharine fills bottles of Lavender scented hand creme! We happen to think this stuff is awesome and you agree!

A batch of Three Kings and Cinnamon Spice soap waiting to be packaged.

Sr. Mary Veronica, the fun has just started! The chaos that surrounds her it pretty much an every day thing during this busy season.

Sr. Mary Jacinta examines a mold for our honey soap.

The Rosary Shrine Volunteer Guild: Our Angels All Year Long!


Hail and Blessed Be the Hour: The St. Andrew Novena