Nuns Like Dirt!

Sr. Mary Jacinta, Sabina, Sr. Mary Catharine, Sr. Maria Teresa, Sr. Mary Veronica, Sr. Mary Magdalene, and Sr. Mary Cecilia pose with "Tiller Joe"! (nearly the feast of St. Joseph, too!)
You never know what the UPS guy is going to show up with!

Much to everyone's surprise a large box was delivered yesterday afternoon for the Dominican Nuns. We opened it and were so surprised to receive the gift of a Tiller Joe tiller from our dear blog-reader-friend Ro (not real name). Also included was a heavy-duty outdoor extension cord.

The beautiful weather brought many nuns outside this afternoon, happy to start working in our gardens. The fruit trees and vineyard needed to be sprayed with a nasty smelling lime sulfur spray, racking, planting and transplanting, too. Anything to stay out in the beautiful weather!

We are so grateful to Ro for her generosity to our community! As you can imagine, Sr. Mary Magdalene is thrilled and looks forward to hitting the dirt soon! May the Lord bless you, Ro, for your goodness to us!


Happy 800th Anniversary to our Poor Clare Sisters


Cement Mixer Involved in Traffic Accident Near Springfield and Morris Avenues