May the Angels Lead Her into Paradise

Thank you for all your wonderful suggestions for future blog entries! It gives us many great ideas! We will be incorporating them in the coming months....the coming years!

This week has been one of mixed emotions for all of us as we are accompanying our Sr. Maria of the Cross on her final journey to Eternal Life! Sr. Maria has been ill with cancer for several years and was recently given just a few more months. On Tuesday, a group of the novitiate spent the afternoon with her at the Caldwell Dominican Sisters infirmary. If you know anything about Sr. Maria you know that she loves music, cats and books! They brought along their guitars and some tambourines to entertain her.

Rather suddenly, by Wednesday evening there was a big change in her condition and we were told that she was dying. Several sisters spent Wednesday night with her and all day Thursday carloads of sisters came and went. Sr. Maria is greatly loved by the other Sisters in the infirmary and were also there with us. We pray the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, chanted the Office, the Penitential Psalms, sing hymns and each group sang the Salve and O Lumen! We were told that probably Sister would die that day.

Yesterday, the feast of the Exultation of the Cross, which is also Sr. Maria's feast day we were sure she would be celebrating it in heaven but the Lord has other plans and Sr. Maria is still with us.

Please pray for our Sr. Maria of the Cross, for a peaceful death.


Sr. Maria of the Cross, OP-RIP


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