Participants in the 2nd General Assembly
Here are all the prioresses and delegates of the Dominican monasteries of the USA, Canada and Trinidad with the Master of the Order, Fr. Bruno Cadore, OP, Fr. Brian Pierce, OP, Promoter for the Nuns and Fr. Dominic Izzo, OP, Socius of the Master for the USA and outgoing Friar Consultant for the Association of the Nuns of the Monasteries of the Order of Preachers of the USA.
Our sisters returned last night from the Assembly. They have a lot to digest and to share with us! We are looking forward to hearing from them. We have been trying to keep up by listening to the audio of the lectures and discussions over the 10 days!
One of the best things about these meetings is just being together with sisters from other monasteries! Sr. Mary Catharine told us that they had some fun during a few of the free nights! One night a group walked a few blocks to Baskin Robbins for ice cream and the 9 of them stopped traffic as they crossed the street!
Another night, the prioresses were having a meeting in one hall and the Master was meeting with the Springfield Dominican Sisters in Aquinas Hall, which is the main hall one must walk through to get from building to building. Since the sisters couldn't pass through either hall they went on an adventure through different halls, stairways, etc. It was like being in 7th grade again! They found 3 different ways to the chapel and there are probably more!
The sisters also told us how much it meant to have Mass and pray the Office together in their own chapel. Sr. Mary Catharine shared chantress duties with Sr. Joseph Marie of the Menlo Park, CA monastery. The first night everyone was in a panic as the little organ was obviously pitched too high and no one could figure out where the transposer was! Thanks to Fr. Dominic's suggestion to find the user manual on the internet the organist were able to accompany the sisters and brothers at a much more user-friendly key!
The sisters are glad to be home and are strengthened in the love of their Dominican vocation and it's mission of preaching for the salvation of souls!