The Calm Before the Storm

While we do get the daily paper and have access to news on the Internet most of us don't give much attention to the news, mainly because it is so biased. We get Catholic news from our diocesan paper and other national Catholic papers as well as Vatican Information Services. One of our sisters like to check every once and while, "Just to see if California has fallen into the ocean or something," and she clicked on Yahoo News to find out that we are in the path of an enormous storm! Are we the last to find out?

Today we spent a little effort preparing, remembering how last year at this time we (and nearly everyone else) was unprepared for the damage and power outage. Water? Check. Batteries and flashlights? Check. Candles? Yep. We also decided to get as much laundry done as possible on Saturday and by unanimous consensus we decided that if the power does go out we're eating the ice cream immediately!

Of course, we are praying, asking the angels to watch over everyone in the path of the storm and to keep them safe from harm and if it is in the ways of Divine Providence the Lord might want to send the storm eastward rather than westward!

This afternoon we gathered in the refectory for our annual community photo. The plan to take it with the beautiful maple tree in the background got shelved as day after day it has been overcast. We're share the photo with you another time!

If the storm should hit not too much will change! Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is at the center of our life and house and so our life of praise will continue, perhaps with a few more candles and sweaters!



Sandy in Summit!


My Journal of the Council--a book review