Meeting Time!
Last week was a very busy and enjoyable one for our community as the council for the Association of the Monasteries of the Nuns of the Order of Preachers USA met at our monastery for their annual meeting. Sr. Mary Catharine is First Councilor and Sr. Denise Marie is Treasurer so for a few days we barely saw them.
Sr. Maria Christine, President (Menlo Park, CA), Sr. Anna Marie, Vice-President (Elmira, NY), Sr. Mary Thomas, Second Councilor (Farmington Hills, MI) and Sr. Mary Rose, Third Councilor (Lufkin, TX) worked long and hard hours on the various tasks that are part of their work for the monasteries.
We also welcomed Fr. Walter Wagner, OP, pastor of St. Vincent Ferrer Church, NYC, on Thursday. Fr. Walter was here to attend the meeting in his newly appointed job as the Religious Assistant of our Association.
Fr. Walter Wagner, OP
The sisters took few opportunities for a break and Sr. Mary Rose, secretary worked longer than anyone preparing the minutes and reports which the sisters then all edited together.
We enjoyed having our sisters with us and although nearly all of them have been here at one time or another it was fun to show them the different improvements around and about.
We are grateful for all their hard work on behalf of the monasteries!