What a Dominican General Chapter looks like...
A General Chapter takes a lot of interpreters at as well. Fr. Carlos Quijano, OP (St. Joseph's Province) (Left) is often called upon to serve in this capacity. Having seen the interpreters at work, I can assure you that they work very hard! Without them an international gathering couldn't run as smoothly as it does.
Here are some of the guests: laity, a sister and a nun. The nun is our dear sister, Sr. Josefa from Prague.
Over on the other side of the Brothers you can see a table where the former Masters of the Order and the socii sit:
The 84th, 86th, and 85th successors of St. Dominic!
Special thanks to the Brethren for letting us post these photos with us! You can follow the chapter at http://trogir.op.org/index.php/en/