Dominican Parish Launches New Blog!

thNew Years is a time of new beginnings, and for many it is also the traditional time for making new New Year's resolutions. If you haven't made a resolution yet, we'd like to make a suggestion: why not resolve to spend 2014 growing closer to the Lord and deepening your understanding of the faith? Our Dominican brothers' new blog,"Praedicare: St. Dominic's Catholic Church, San Francisco",  can help! Here's a rundown on the new blog, , in the brothers' own words:

"We hope that the reader will seek our blog, hoping to fulfill their thirst to the truth of Jesus Christ, community with Jesus and his community the Church, and the fervent desire to live the Christian call. 

In this blog, we will offer a variety of posts ranging from theological reflections on the latest news and pop culture, as well as these series:

  • A Preacher’s Life – a regular series offering insights about Dominican Spirituality and how that is manifested in our parish.
  • Notes from RCIA – from the RCIA team, this regular series offers insights to common questions about the Catholic Faith.
  • Source and Summit – a regular series about liturgy and the Mass

All are invited to join this blog’s journey here.   You don’t have to be a Catholic, you don’t even have to be a parishioner.  All you have to be is a person open to live a life of flourishing in Christ Jesus.  God bless you! "





Happy New Year!