A Taste of Spring
For the first time in a very long winter Sr. Mary Elizabeth (right) was able to recreate outside! With the beautiful warm weather we've been having the ice and snow have begun to melt, clearing the parts of the pathway that had been plowed (but had remained iced).
The weather was so lovely that some sisters even ventured outside coat-less! With the Robins chirping away happily on the little bits of yard that have begun to show it feels like Spring may be just around the corner....except the weatherman is calling for snow Tuesday and Wednesday. The brief break in what has been a very challenging winter was very welcome!
While most of the yard is still covered in knee-deep snow, windblown sections in full sunlight have begun to show grass! (Very wet and muddy grass).
The melt was a little to late to save one of our sheds. The metal crumbled underneath the weight of all the accumulated snow and ice!
Sadly, our little greenhouse which is home to our St. Dominic orange tree during the winter months suffered so much damage that the tree inside was also damaged! It should recover but it looks rather pitiful at the moment.
We don't have a picture but we discovered at Chapter last week that sections of our Chapter Hall ceiling have broken and are beginning to fall as well! Our brand new roof apparently was no match for this winter. Thankfully we haven't noticed any other roof damage.
This winter hasn't phased Sabina one bit. Her 'philosophy' seems to be: "If life gives you snow, enjoy the free Popsicle!"